Topsoil Management Considerations for Large Projects

Topsoil is perhaps the most important resource required for successful and rapid revegetation of reclamation, restoration, and construction projects.  Revegetation is critical for reducing soil erosion and subsequent off-site sedimentation.  When planning for topsoil salvage, first consider local, State, and Federal requirements.  The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA, 1977) was the first federal […]

Use of Cover Crops on Bare Ground to Prevent Soil Erosion 

Montana’s climate presents challenges for the revegetation of disturbed lands.  In southwest Montana, growing seasons are generally between 50 and 100 days.  The valleys are about 5000 feet in elevation and annual precipitation, mostly in the form of snow, ranges from 5 to 15 inches.  Elevations above tree line (>8000 feet) receive more precipitation with […]

Employ Fun Guys (Fungi)

Want to Reduce Soil Erosion and Improve Water Quality?  Employ Fun Guys (Fungi)!  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) develop a dense hyphal network of fungal mycelium which creates a three-dimensional matrix that enmeshes and crosslinks soil particles without compacting soil.  This hyphal network not only promotes plant growth and root system development, it also protects soil […]

Soil Erosion Resulting from Invasive Plant Species

This discussion will address the negative impacts of invasive plant species on soil resources throughout the western United States. Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) and Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) are examples of invasive and noxious forbs and grasses that continue to spread rapidly, with devastating effects on the ecological and economic health and function of western landscapes […]