
Natural Resource Consultation

“Basic Biological Services LLC was a strong asset to our livestock operation in Clark County Idaho. They provided Hagenbarth Livestock Company with many years of hard field work in adverse conditions. BBS maintained our noxious weed control program with consistent herbicide applications, data management, and mapping. In addition, BBS has contributed over two decades of environmental consulting and contracting to the Big Hole Watershed Committee. BBS provided a good service, and their work was exemplary!”
Mr. Jim Hagenbarth
President, Hagenbarth Management; Vice-Chairman Big Hole Watershed Committee
A BBS worker doing a natural resource consultation of wildland hydrology with a measurement tool in the river.

Wildland Hydrology, Water Quality and Quantity, Wetland Determinations and Delineations

Basic Biological Services has decades of experience working with natural channel design techniques for river and stream restoration projects.  We complement restoration projects with vegetation by design that is best suited for proper hydrologic function and habitat value.  BBS can perform simple wetland determinations and extensive and complex wetland delineations.  We also offer water discharge measurements for ditch and canal seepage loss issues, as well as a variety of water sampling protocols for physical, chemical, and biological characterization of water quality.

Aquatic Habitat Assessment and Design, Soil Amendment Strategies, Seed Mix and Planting Design

BBS uses simple design tools and software for revegetation of aquatic, riparian, and wetland habitat improvement projects.  We ensure that our recommended plant species are compatible with project objectives and micro-site characteristics.  BBS designs and installs Beaver Dam Analogues for water conservation and wetland enhancement.  Our experience with soil amendments and application technologies provides assurance that revegetation is rapid and successful.  We prepare seed mixes and planting arrangements by design to ensure that cost is balanced with form and function.

A BBS worker doing an aquatic habitat assessment alongside a river.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and Water Use Investigations

BBS has experience with Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation, implementation, and monitoring for large linear construction and major mining projects.  We assess the unique characteristics of soils, landscapes, surface water drainage patterns, and how they are affected by construction activities.  Our emphasis is the use of appropriate vegetation and planting techniques for rapid site revegetation, and BBS is fluent with Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) design and installation using Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP).  Proper drainage design and runoff routing, in conjunction with the use of bioswales, improves compliance with SWPPPs and ESC BMPs. BBS models erosion control best management practice alternatives with RUSLE 2.2.3 and other state-of-the-art RECP manufacture software.  We prescribe and implement the use of polyacrylamide (PAM) technologies for soil stabilization and suspended sediment flocculation.  BBS can conduct thorough investigations of simple water distribution and seepage loss challenges in irrigation water systems.

Vegetation and Natural Resource Inventory, Assessment, Reporting, Planning, and Permitting

BBS uses simple design tools and software for revegetation of aquatic, riparian, and wetland habitat improvement projects.  We ensure that our recommended plant species are compatible with project objectives and micro-site characteristics.  BBS designs and installs Beaver Dam Analogues for water conservation and wetland enhancement.  Our experience with soil amendments and application technologies provides assurance that revegetation is rapid and successful.  We prepare seed mixes and planting arrangements by design to ensure that cost is balanced with form and function.

Litigation Support, Third Party Expert Opinions, Natural Resource and Land Use Investigations

BBS has provided Litigation Support and Expert Witness Testimony for Montana stream access cases involving the Ordinary High Water Mark and Bankfull Discharge, historic stream access claims, and public/private road right-of-way conflicts.  We have provided Expert Witness Opinions for litigation involving vegetation damage claims and stream sediment damage claims.  Our litigation support has been provided for Montana water adjudication cases for canal companies, disputes over changes of points of water use, delineations of irrigated acres, and confirmation/validation of historic and modern function of dams, diversions, headgates, canals, ditches, and other water use infrastructure.  We have decades of experience with water uses and water distribution infrastructures in support of agriculture, and involvement with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) planning, and 303(d) listing of impaired streams of Montana.

Ready to get started? Contact us today!